Larynx CHRONIC LARYNGITISChronic laryngitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the larynx (voice box) which persists for more than three weeks. HOARSENESS OF VOICEHoarseness is a symptom and not a disease. It is a general term that describes an abnormal voice. When hoarse, the voice may sound breathy, VOCAL NODULESVocal nodules occur due to overtaxing and voice abuse. They are also called Singer’s or Screamer’s nodules CAUSES OF VOCAL CORD PALSYThe vagus nerve arises from the lateral surface of the medulla. It gives rise to two main branches in the larynx namely... LEFT VOCAL CORD PALSYThe left recurrent laryngeal nerve travels a similar course to the right except that it travels deep into the thorax. JUVENILE LARYNGEAL PAPILLOMATOSISMacKenzie first described this condition 100 years ago. These papillomas affect not only the larynx LARYNGOMALACIAIt is an excessive flaccidity of the supraglottic portion of the larynx and is the most common cause of congenital stridor. LARYNGEAL OEDEMAOedema of the laryngeal mucosa can accompany any inflammatory reaction of the larynx and is therefore, not a specific disease but a sign STRIDORStridor is the noisy respiration due to obstruction of the air in and out of the lower respiratory tract. It is usually a symptom suggestiv.... DIRECT LARYNGOSCOPYDirect laryngoscopy is a direct visualization of the different parts of the larynx and hypopharynx. MICROLARYNGOSCOPY WITH INDICATIONSMicrolaryngoscopy is a procedure in which the larynx is visualized through a microscope. LARYNGOCELEThese are air filled cystic swellings due to dilatation of the saccule lined by columnar ciliated epithelium. CARCINOMA OF LARYNXCarcinoma of the larynx is one of the most important and common malignancy of head and neck. POST – LARYNGECTOMY SPEECHThe normal larynx produces an undifferentiated sound, which is moulded into intelligible speech by movements... LARYNGOCELEThese are air filled cystic swellings due to dilatation of the saccule lined by columnar ciliated epithelium. We Are Always Ready to Help You. Book An Appointment Enter Full Name *Enter Email *Subject *Mobile No. *Message *PhoneSubmit