Definition: When there is a long-standing foreign body in the nose it is surrounded by granulation tissue and it acts as a nucleus for concretion to occur. It eventually gets coated with calcium and magnesium phosphate and carbonate to form a Rhinolith.
- Age: Can occur in any age group but is more common in children.
- Foreign bodies, blood clots, inspissated pus.
- Rhinorrhea: Unilateral, Purulent, foul smelling.
- Nasal obstruction: Unilateral.
- Rhinolith usually seen on anterior rhinoscopy.

Rhinoliths are usually formed near the floor of the nose.

Removal of nasal rhinolith usually done under general anesthesia. FESS may be required if there is any secondary sinusitis. Also, endoscopic clearance of the Rhinolith particles is necessary.
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