oesophagus FOREIGN BODY OESOPHAGUSThe oesophagus is a muscular tube. It connects your mouth to your stomach. When you swallow food, the walls of the oesophagus... RIGID OESOPHAGOSCOPY, INDICATIONS AND COMPLICATIONSRigid oesophagoscopy is indicated to inspect and obtain biopsies from lesions within the oesophagus. CAUSES OF DYSPHAGIADysphagia means difficulty in swallowing. The term odynophagia is used for painful swallowing. OESOPHAGEAL STRICTURESAn esophageal stricture occurs when the esophagus becomes abnormally narrow. CARDIOSPASMFailure of the lower oesophageal sphincter to relax resulting in dilatation and hypertrophy of oesophagus... FOREIGN BODIES IN EARForeign bodies in the ear are commonly seen in children below 10 years of age. We Are Always Ready to Help You. Book An Appointment Enter Full Name *Enter Email *Subject *Mobile No. *Message *NameSubmit