Dr. Meenesh Juvekar
M.B.B.S M.S.(ENT) D.N.B. D.O.R.L., M.N.A.M.S
Educational Qualification:
- MS (Master of Surgery) Ear, Nose & Throat from LTMG Hospital & LMT Medical College, Sion, Mumbai – 400022 (January 1999)
- D.N.B (Diploma in National Board) from National Board of Examinations New Delhi (June 1999)
- D.O.R.L (Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology) from College of Physicians & Surgeons Mumbai (April 1998)
- M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) from Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College, New Mumbai (October 1996)
- Pre-university H.S.C.E. (XII) from Ramnivas Ruia College, Matunga, Mumbai (March 1990)
- Matriculation S.S.C. (X) from Our Lady of Perpetual Succour High School, Mumbai (March 1988)

Overseas Certification:
- Fellowship in Middle Ear Surgery at Causse Clinic with Dr. Robert Vincent in September 2016
- Attained a fellowship with Prof. Hildmann, Elisabeth Hospital, Bochum, Germany in Middle Ear Surgery, and Prof. Gubish, Marine Hospital, Stuttgart, Germany, in Rhinoplasty in the Year 2000. Attended and assisted various surgeries during that period
- Performed Cadaveric temporal bone dissection under the guidance of Prof. Hildmann, Bochum
Professional Synopsis:
- Consultant, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai
- Consultant, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, Mumbai
- Hon. ENT Surgeon & Unit Head, G.T. Hospital, Grant Medical College & Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai
- Director, Juvekars Nursing Home, Chembur, Mumbai
Independent Practice:
- Private Practice Office Clinic – Juvekar’s Nursing Home
- 17/18, Shiv Sagar CHS, Opposite Akbarally’s-Off, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur East, Mumbai – 400071, India (Tel: +91-22-35744947/79694013)
February 02, 2000 to November 30, 2000:
- Lecturer Dept. of ENT, Mahatma Gandhi Missions, Medical College, Sector 18, Kamothe, New Mumbai – 400 209
December 01, 2000 to May 30, 2005:
- Lecturer Dept. of ENT, K.J. Somaiya Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai
June 01, 2005 to January 15, 2010:
- Associate Professor & Unit Head Dept. of ENT, K.J. Somaiya Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai
Professional Appointments
February 01, 1995 to January 31, 1996 (52 weeks):
- Internship (Including 12 weeks of Preventive & Social Medicine) at Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College, Sector 18, Kamothe, New Mumbai – 400 209
March 01, 1996 to July 31, 1996:
- Junior House Officer ENT at LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
August 01, 1996 to January 31, 1997:
- Senior House Officer ENT at LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
February 01, 1997 to July 31, 1997:
- Junior Registrar ENT at LTMG Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
Professional Appointments
February 02, 1995 to January 31, 1996 (52 Weeks):
- Senior Registrar ENT at LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
February 01, 1998 to January 31, 1999:
- Chief Registrar ENT at LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
April 15, 1999 to July 15, 1999:
- Chief Registrar ENT at LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
- E.N.T and Cochlear Implant Surgeon at Bombay Hospital and Research Centre, and Juvekars Nursing Home, Mumbai.
- Working as Surgeon and Post graduate teacher at Grant Medical College, Mumbai. Actively involved in students and post graduate teaching programmes.
- Performed over 250 Cochlear Implant Surgeries till February 2023. Main surgeon at Shravya Cochlear Implant Programme where patients are operated free of cost.
- Has mentored many surgeons for performing individual Cochlear Implant Surgery.
- Performing various surgeries like Cochlear Implant Surgery, Middle ear surgeries, Middle ear Implants, Stapes Surgery, Mastoidectomies, Facial Nerve Surgery, and other advanced Otology procedures.
- FESS, Skull Base Surgeries, Pituitary Tumour Removal, Orbital Decompressions, CSF Leak Repair, Surgeries for sleep apnoea and snoring.
- Radiofrequency Surgeries for Soft Palate, Tongue, Turbinate.
- Stroboscopy for Voice Disorders.
- Laryngeal surgeries like Laser Surgery Of Vocal Nodules, Laryngeal papillomas, Laryngeal Stenosis.
- Thyroid Surgeries, Parotidectomy, Submandibular Gland Excision.
- Live Surgeries can be seen on www.specialist-ent.com ; www.entdoctormumbai.com
- Took active part in Academic webinars in the Covid pandemic. Participated and moderated in over 20 webinars involving National and International Faculty.
Research & Publications
Books Written:
- Have authored a book titled “HAND BOOK OF ENT & HEAD NECK SURGERY” in 2020. The book has about 300 illustrations with flow charts and live surgical pictures. Foreword by Prof Robert Vincent and Dr Mohan Kameshwaran.
- Have authored a book titled “Short Notes in ENT” released by Padmabhushan Dr. L.H. Hiranandani in 2006. The book is useful for both undergraduates and postgraduates.
Papers Published:
- Mastoid cavity obliteration with bone dust: a retrospective study of 34 cases. Published in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery by Juvekar M et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Oct;7(10):1644-1648 pISSN 2454-5929 | eISSN 2454-5937 DOI: 10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20213899
- Ossicular reconstruction of incudo-stapedial joint by glass ionomer—a study of 24 cases. Juvekar and Sarkar. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology (2021) 37:114
- Case Report Squamous cell carcinoma arising from inverted Schneiderian Papilloma Published in The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology (2021) 37:46 DOI: 10.1186/s43163-021-00113-w
- Guidelines for Otorhinolaryngologists and head neck surgeons in coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Published in The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology (2021) 37:22 DOI: 10.1186/s43163-021-00082-0
- Primary nasal tuberculosis of maxillary sinus leading to otitis media: a rare presentation. Case report by Dr M. R. Juvekar and Dr B. Sarkar, Published in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2020 Aug, Vol- 6(8):1576-1578, DOI: 10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns2020322
- Guidelines for otology surgery in coronavirus-19 pandemic. Original Research Article by Dr M. R. Juvekar and Dr B. Sarkar, Published in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2020 Sep, Vol- 6(9):1753-1756, DOI: 10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20203589
- Guidelines for rhinology surgery in COVID-19 pandemic. Review Article by Dr M. R. Juvekar and Dr B. Sarkar, Published in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2020 Nov; 6(11):2155-2159 www.ijorl.com
- Guidelines for Tracheostomy in Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Review Article by Dr M. R. Juvekar and Dr B. Sarkar, Accepted in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2020 Nov, Vol- 6(11), DOI: 10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns2020xxxx
- “ACTA SCIENTIFIC OTOLARYNGOLOGY” The Future of Otology. Editorial, Volume 4, Issue 7, May 2020 by Dr. Meenesh Juvekar & Dr. Mohnish Grover.
- “NOISE – AN INDUSTRIAL HAZARD”: A review by Dr. R.V. Juvekar & Dr. M.R. Juvekar in the Indian Journal of Otology. V014, No.3 (Sept. 98) 137-140.
- “TUBERCULOMA OF THE POSTERIOR PHARYNGEL WALL”: The case report by Dr. R.V. Juvekar, Dr. M.R. Juvekar & Dr. D.V. Panchal in Bombay Hospital Journal.
- “FRONTO – ETHMOIDAL MUCORMYCOSIS”: A case report by Dr. M.R. Juvekar, Dr. R.V. Juvekar & Dr. U.M. Tendolkar in the Indian Journal of Laryngology & Otology.
- “MYXOID LIPOMA OF THE ORAL CAVITY”: A case report by Dr. M.R. Juvekar & Dr. R.V. Juvekar, in the Indian Journal of Laryngology & Otology. VO 152, No.3, Sept. 2000. 269-272.
- “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION & TRACHEOSTOMY IN EMERGENCIES”: A review of 70 cases by Dr. M.R. Juvekar & Dr. R.V. Juvekar in Bombay Hospital Journal. VO 141, No.3, 1999 486-487.
- “THE DOUBLE BREATING TECHNIQUE OF TYMPANOPLASTY”: A review of 200 cases by Dr. R.V. Juvekar in the Indian Journal of Otology. VO15, No.3, Sept. 99 145-148.
- “ORAL SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS”: Aetio-Pathogenesis and Treatment Modalities in the Indian Practitioner Dr. M.R. Juvekar, Dr. Rokade, and Dr. R.V. Juvekar. VO154, Aug. 2001, 567-571.
- “VERTIGO AETIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT”: A paper by Dr. M.R. Juvekar in the Vertigo update Vol 16, Sept-Dec 2001 Pg. 15-17.
- “REVISION STAPEDECTOMY”: In Vertigo update by Dr. M.R. Juvekar Jan-Mar 2002 Pg. 26-27.
- DISORDERS OF SPEECH: By Dr. M.R. Juvekar in the Bombay Hospital Journal.
- INFECTIONS IN EAR-NOSE & THROAT: By Dr. M.R. Juvekar in the Bombay Hospital Journal.
- RECENT ADVANCES IN EAR-NOSE-THROAT: A publication by Dr. Meenesh R. Juvekar in the Bombay Hospital Journal.
- “FACIAL NERVE GRAFTING & DECOMPRESSION”: A Review of 30 Cases. A report of 30 cases by Dr. M.R. Juvekar, Dr. R.V. Juvekar, in the Indian Journal of Laryngology & Otology – Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery.
- Awarded the Best Paper Award in the Consultant Category, at the MENTCON 2013 held in Pune for paper on “Bone Reduction Turbinoplasty”
- Awarded the Best Paper conference in the MUMBAICON 2013 held in Mumbai.
- Awarded the Best Video Award in MUMBAICON 2013 for presenting video on “CSF Rhinorrhoea Repair”.
- “THE DOUBLE BREASTING TECHNIQUE OF TYMPANOPLASTY”: In the 3rd International Surgical Workshop on Middle ear & Parotid & State of Art Symposium held at AJB Municipal ENT Hospital, Mumbai from 1st to 4th November 1998.
- Presented a paper titled “Facial Nerve Grafting and Decompression – A study of 30 Cases” at the All India conference of Otolaryngologists held at Patna in January 2003.
- Presented 3 papers at the Prestigious European Academy of Otology and Neuro-otology, Nijmegen, Netherlands, September 2024
- A Faculty member and speaker in various workshops and conferences
- Regularly Organises the International Otology Workshop in Mumbai.
- Organised the First Cochlear Implant Workshop at Bombay Hospital in 2022
- Course Director of the International Otology Workshop in Bombay Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, June 2019.
- Course Director of the International Otology Workshop in Bombay Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, July 2018.
- Course Director of the International Otology Workshop in Bombay Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, July 2017.
- Temporal bone dissection and Microsurgery of Ear and Larynx at LTMG Hospital, Sion, Mumbai (annual course) from 1996 to 1999.
- 28th Maharashtra State ENT Conference hosted by AOI, Mumbai Branch, Oct. 5th & 6th 1996.
- Junior faculty member for Temporal bone dissection and Microsurgery of Ear and Larynx at LTMG Hospital, Sion, Mumbai. Year 1997 to 1998.
- Workshop of the Asia Pacific Head and Neck Cancer Congress December 11 to 14th 1998, Mumbai.
- Faculty at many National conferences and workshops
- Faculty at All India Conference every year in different states
- 3rd Annual Conference of India Society of Laryngology 7th March 1999 at Ali Awar Jung Institute for hearing handicapped.
- First National All Hear Cochlear Implant Workshop 17-18 April 1999 at Ahmedabad conducted by Dr. William F. House.
- Attended the Rhinoplasty Conference by Dr. Sood Foundation in 2003.
- Committee member of the Mumbai branch of The AOI.
Honors & Academic Achievements
- First place in DNB Examinations of National Board, New Delhi held in May 1999. Awarded the Kameshwaran Gold Medal for securing the first position in India.
- Third place in MS (ENT) Examination of Bombay University in January 1999.
- Distinction in Biochemistry in 1st M.B.B.S.
- Distinction in Matriculation (S.S.C.) in 1988.
- Hosted various speeches on All-India-Radio (AIR) on Noise Pollution, Deafness, and Common problems in Ear-Nose-Throat.
Personal Interests & Achievements
- Participated in various cultural and literature events during school & medical college.
- Deeply interested in music and have been receiving formal training in Tabla, a percussion instrument, for the past 15 years.
- Presented various solo performances in concerts & as an accompanist in India and abroad.
- Sports: Represented college in various State Level Swimming competitions.
- 2nd prize in swimming in NBSA Inter Collegiate Swimming competition in Jan. 1991.
- 1st prize in “Symphony 95” in Tabla Solo at K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering Jan. 1995.
- 1st prize in “Ashwamedh 94” in Tabla Solo at LTM Medical College.
- Performed a solo Tabla concert at the function marking 50 years of LTM Medical College & LTMG Hospital, Mumbai.
- Fond of music, reading, quiz contests, and sports.
Why Choose Us
Juvekars Nursing Home is a well equipped hospital with several facilities. The hospital is situated in Chembur which lies in the eastern suburb of Mumbai. Juvekars Nursing Home has been steadily moving towards providing complete health care solutions to patients.
High Quality Lab
Juvekars Nursing home has one of the most modern and well equipped Operation Theatres in Mumbai. It is suited for all routine surgeries keeping in mind E.N.T Surgeries.
Unmatched Expertise
Some common synonyms of expert are adept, proficient, skilled, and skillful.
Precise Result
Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value.
Qualified Staff
Qualified staff means an individual who is employed by a qualified...
Our Pleasure
A large range of consultative, diagnostic and surgical services are provided to people whose health complaints do not warrant hospitalization. These OPD services are available from 9 am to 9 pm every day.