Juvekars Nursing Home
Juvekars Nursing Home is a well equipped hospital with several facilities. The hospital is situated in Chembur which lies in the eastern suburb of Mumbai. Juvekars Nursing Home has been steadily moving towards providing complete health care solutions to patients at most affordable packages.
The strength of the hospital lies in the co-ordinated health care of patients, personalized patient care in an efficient, exclusive and complete manner so that the visit to the hospital is a pleasant and soothing experience.
Juvekars Nursing Home is an eight bed ENT, General, Medical,Paediatric and Gynaceology hospital.
The hospital has specially designed health check up plans to suit the needs of the patient. A group of dedicated, well qualified and experienced doctors provides a broad range of in-patient and out-patient health care services to match the needs of the community. The nurses and para-medical staff is also well qualified and trained to efficiently cater to the patients’ needs.
Facilities at Juvekars Nursing Home:
Out-patient department (OPD):
A large range of consultative, diagnostic and surgical services are provided to people whose health complaints do not warrant hospitalization. These OPD services are available from 9 am to 9 pm every day.
In-patient department (IPD):
A hassle-free and simple procedure for admission to the hospital is the hallmark. Most of the data has been digitalised with options for online consultations .The staff ensures that quality care is made available for the patients at every stage – from admission to discharge. In-patient services include emergency services, day care procedures, diagnostic and assessment services. In-patient services are available round the clock. The hospital has spacious general wards, Semi-Special and Deluxe Rooms fully equipped with modern amenities.
Day Care:
The concept of day care surgery is not new. Day care procedures, which are considered as a modern innovation, were carried out even by ancient doctors and in the current times, they are here to stay. Procedures like Sinus Endoscopies, Ear Surgery, Biopsies, Lipoma, Cysts, Hernias, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Vasectomy, Auroplasty, Piles, Fissure-in-ano, Fistula-in-ano, Pilonidal sinus, etc. are easily and comfortably done as a day care procedure. Day care surgeries are performed on a one day package basis.
The major E.N.T Surgeries conducted are Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Stapedotomy, Sinus surgery, Thyroidectomy, Cancer surgeries, Microlaryngoscopy, Tonsillectomy, Parotidectomy , Submandibular Gland excision.
Allergy Tests, Sleep studies are also done in Juvekars Nursing Home, Chembur
Preventive Health Check-ups:
The institution believes that preventive health care is more important, true to the statement, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. As such, the hospital motivates people to avail of various health check-up packages in order to prevent ailments as well as diagnose them early on.
Various Preventive Health Check-up Plans include:
- Children’s Health Check-up
- Executive Health Check-up
- Master Health Check-up
- ENT Health Check-up
- Diabetes Health Check-up
Operation Theatre: Juvekars Nursing home has one of the most modern and well equipped Operation Theatres in Mumbai. It is suited for all routine surgeries keeping in mind E.N.T Surgeries. The primary list of latest equipments include :
- Carl Zeiss Microscope for Ear Surgery
- Kark Storz Microshaver system for Sinus surgery.
- Karl Storz sinus endoscopes.
- Radiofrequency machine
- Coblation
- Microdrill system
- LED OT Light system
- Advanced Anaesthesia equipment