Syringing is an OPD procedure used for removal of wax, foreign bodies, debris from the ear.
This procedure is done by an aural syringe with a piston which can push water with force through a nozzle.
- Removal of wax.
- Dried fungal debris.
- Epithelial debris.
- Blunt foreign bodies.
- Acute inflammatory conditions of the external or middle ear.
- Perforation of the tympanic membrane.
- Hygroscopic foreign bodies.
- Sharp foreign bodies.
- Patient is seated with ear to be syringed towards the examiner.
- A kidney tray is placed over the shoulder of the patient.
- Patient’s head is slightly tilted over the kidney tray.
- The syringe is held in the right hand.
5. Pinna is pulled upward and backward and stream of water is directed towards the postero-superior wall of the external auditory meatus. The pressure of the water builds up deeper to the wax and expels the wax out.
6. The ear is made dry with a cotton swab after the procedure and inspection of the ear canal and tympanic membrane is done.
- Trauma to external canal or tympanic membrane.
- Giddiness.
- Vasovagal shock.